Corrections Committee Guidelines


The only purpose of the Area Corrections Committee is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who is in custody. (For a detailed description of an Area Corrections Committee please refer to information sheet “AA Guidelines-Corrections Committees”, MG-6).

Formation of Local Committees

Local group/Intergroup Corrections Committees have been established in Districts where an institution exists throughout the province. These local groups are a vital link to the institution providing professionals and other workers in correctional facilities with information about AA, literature, and guidelines for setting up AA groups on the inside. These are the volunteers that physically carry the message of AA into the institution. The Grapevine has also proven to be an invaluable tool for those with a desire to quit drinking who find themselves in custody. The local committees inform the Area Corrections Chairperson of any requests for Conference approved literature; problems with setting up meetings (either virtual or in person); any changes to the local committee; the name and email address of their institution contact; and a brief quarterly report on the needs and progress of corrections work in their District.


How To Set Up AA Meetings In Correctional Facilities

Please refer to the Corrections Workbook, M-45I, pages 11-14 to learn about the “Four Step Process Approach to Starting or Restarting AA Meetings in Correctional Facilities”.

Guidelines For Virtual Institutional Meetings

  1. Appropriate attire is strongly suggested. No shirts with company logos and no hats.
  2. Always be aware of your background in the meeting. You can use the “blur” function when using Zoom or insert a static picture as your backdrop.
  3. Be careful not to have snacks or pop visible. A cup of coffee is fine.
  4. If you’re planning to attend meetings in person on the “inside” you will require a security clearance. Have the institution forward the security clearance request to your nearest RCMP detachment.
  5. NOTE: Discussions are underway to have everyone who is present at or chairs a meeting virtually be required to have a security check completed by the RCMP (not the city police).
  6. No smoking.

Approval and Review

These guidelines may be revised upon approval of the voting membership at an Area 91 Assembly.

Corrections Committee Chairperson Guidelines


The Area Corrections Chairperson coordinates all Area 91 correctional activities. In addition, the Chairperson assists individual AA members and groups in Area 91 who are interested in carrying AA’s message of recovery to members in custody. The Chairperson is committed to carrying on the legacy of bringing AA into correctional facilities that started in 1942 in San Quentin State Prison. To this end the Chairperson would like to see at least one group in each District that has a correctional facility establish a Group Corrections Committee. This person(s) would liaise with the appropriate institution staff and the Chairperson to facilitate bringing AA members on the outside into the correctional facility to share their experience, strength and hope with those members in custody. The Group Corrections Committee would also ensure that these individuals have a supply of Conference approved literature by ordering supplies through the Area 91 Corrections Committee Chairperson.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • The Area 91 Corrections Committee Chairperson (CCC) reports to the Area 91 Spring and Fall Assembly and the Area Committee Meeting in January.
  • The CCC should become fully conversant with the content of the Corrections Kit from GSO and ensure that it is reviewed by the committee annually and the Delegate advised of any concerns, changes, revisions, corrections, etc.
  • At the start of each term the CCC will contact the DCM’s in each District that has a correctional facility to develop a list of AA corrections contacts.
  • The CCC will contact the Group or Intergroup Corrections Committee and develop/revise the name, phone #, email address and mailing address of their institutional contact(s).
  • If no Group/Intergroup Corrections Committee exists in the District the CCC will contact the institution directly to determine who at the facility will be responsible for ordering, receiving, and distributing AA materials.
  • The CCC will ensure the Corrections map on the website is kept up to date.
  • The CCC will, when requested, visit a District to inform them of the work of the Area Corrections Committee and how the Pink Can Fund works to provide AA Conference approved materials to those members in custody. The inviting District will cover the expenses of the CCC.

Approval and Review

These guidelines may be revised upon approval of the voting membership at an Area 91 Assembly.

Download the  Federal Corrections Volunteer form

For more information contact the Area Corrections Coordinator.

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